Welcome students, parents and carers to this blog. This will allow you to see recent news, upcoming events and information about GCSEs in English at The Cherwell School. Please use the search bar on the right to find information about particular texts and use the links to support learning outside of the classroom. IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ONLY USE INFORMATION THAT IS RELEVANT TO YOUR CLASS - WE DON'T ALL TEACH THE SAME TEXTS! If you have a question, you can leave a comment (they do not publish immediately as they have to be moderated) and your query will be answered ASAP.

Lord of the Flies

Over the holiday, Y11 students taught by MG, JAr, ERd, MMc and LC will need to read Lord of the Flies. The school will provide you with a copy, but it would be useful to have your own copy. This would mean that you could annotate and make notes in it ready for revision.
Here is a link to buy it online. You can pick them up second hand here too.
Even though this is a new GCSE, Lord of the Flies has been an English Literature text for many years so there are a wealth of notes on the internet to support your understanding. Here's a link to the BBC guide. Also, here's a link to Sparknotes.
Please let me know if you have any problems with this. You can do this by leaving a comment.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas,

Clauses and colons

Here are a few lessons that have been merged. It gives you a range of sentence structures that you can use.
This is really useful for Section B of the exam (writing).

Samples (and simples!)...

Here is a link to some example answers that the exam board give out. Have a look. There are handy little commentaries at the bottom.

Single English Paper

This PowerPoint takes you through exactly the skills that are needed in this exam FOR SINGLE ENGLISH.
The Jamie Oliver Article is here.
You should be able to answer the other questions with the pictures on the PowerPoint. Remember, you can watch this full screen.

Answering the question

These documents will help you answer the question. Remember as many phrases from them as you can. The prensentation one is particularly useful - you've just spent ages commenting on language in OMAM. Presentation is a new thing...

Use a word from the 'what' first box + refer directly to the text = use a word from the 'why' box to explain.